Jan 18b
Originally uploaded by Dancing Crow.
I routinely get caught up in the details of things - I love a feather, the twist of a shell, the curve of a child's cheek - I can have difficulty finding the big picture. So realizing that with transfer paints I can paint a feather, or a leaf, and get the most outrageous level of detail onto the fabric is intoxicating. I find that once I have transferred these things I just stare at them, because, well, they're nearly perfect.
I mean, isn't this feather enough to stop your breath for a moment? Or these?
Jan 18a
Originally uploaded by Dancing Crow.
Friday early morning it snowed, and then freezing rained on top. The back porch snow drooped off the railing like this:
Some kind of heavy duty surface tension going on there - there really was not anything under the snow, it just formed a catenary curve all by itself. Of course, it didn't last long. The sun came out and the back yard glittered like diamonds, coated in ice like this:
And then it all melted in 40F degree weather.
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