Aug 29
Originally uploaded by Dancing Crow.
Printing the photo in black and white, the petals needed some color. I thought about doing it all in black and white and gray, but sunflowers seem to me to REQUIRE color. So there is some. Not much. Some.
In other news, the Verts' came for supper bearing a pie they brought all the way from Maine. The Bluebird Cafe in Machias makes a very fine blueberry pie. Actually they make two very fine blueberry pies - one regular two crust that is baked, and one single crust that is not baked. The single crust pie is filled with fresh blueberries and just enough gelatain to hold it all together, and topped with piles of fresh whipped cream. Bill and Cathy brought a two crust pie because they were unsure about the capacity of a single crust pie to travel any distance from its point of origin. The two crust pie survived the journey quite nicely, but no part of it survives dessert.
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