Aug 12
Originally uploaded by Dancing Crow.
shhhhh (looking over shoulder)
There are no children in this house.
That hasn't happened for more than one night at a time for a very very very long time. I'm thinking they are hiding, even though I know I left one with my mum, and the other today at pony camp.
Alice looked like this:
as we left. She has been assigned a smallish gray pony for the week, name of Stitch in Time called Stitchy for general use. We found the pony, found the donkey, found the chickens and the goats and the miniature horse and her foal, and left her reading and cheerful. Her friend Sophie is in the next bunk over. The counselors look like a very kind and compassionate lot. The cook promised not to poison her. We have high hopes for the week.
Al and I left and had an extremely grownup dinner on the way home. It was lovely.
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